Höegh Eiendom
Gratech has had the pleasure of winning another exciting project at Kristian Augustsgate 23 in Oslo.
Gratech was the total supplier of automation when Höegh Eiendom rehabilitated and made significant upgrades to the old N.A.F building. The Future Built project could result in a reduction of 1,500 tons of CO2 equivalents. The project has a special focus on sustainability and reuse (circular economy). Gratech has delivered cutting-edge technology and SD systems. The building, which is older and distinguished, is being renovated and expanded to a total of approximately 7,000 square meters. Gratech acts as the general contractor for automation and subcontractor to Seltor, who won the project for Höegh Eiendom. The office building is located at Tullinløkka in Oslo and was acquired by Höegh Eiendom in the fall of 2019. Several smart building features have also been implemented.